It has been a while since I have written a post here. Life has been crazy busy.
Not too long ago we had an accident with our Pit. I had made some London broil that had marinated in vinegar and herbs. The next day we ate the left overs and my husband decided to give both of our girls a tiny bit. He cut off all of the edges and fed it to them. By that night our pitty was extremely sick, making the whole house a crazy mess (not her fault of course). That morning I called my vet and told them what they ate and how sick our one girl was, however, as soon as I said that it was marinated in vinegar they told me to bring her in right a way. Well, long story short vinegar is toxic to dogs, I had to leave my baby girl in the hospital that whole day. They pumped her with fluids and she was on two types of pills and a special type of wet food (which she loved).
The doctor told me how vinegar eats at the lining of the stomach and/or causes ulcers.
Our pitty is fine now but was for from it when it happened. Our other girl didn't have any issues, she has a iron stomach :)
Thought this would be something to share in case anyone wants to give a tiny bit of left overs that had been marinated in vinegar.
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