Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Table scraps

I'm not really into giving my girls any table scraps but, when I do it is always after I have finished eating first. Not giving them anything until you are done teaches them to have manners and self control. And if you want to take it even further, it shows them that the pack leader (s) eat first!

Another thing about this, I really don't like calling it table scraps because really, I always save them the best parts of everything. :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Dogs will be dogs

I always have fresh brita water for my girls. Yet they always seem to want to drink the dirty water from outside! The rain water that's in a little hole that really makes it dirt water, water in the water dish that has leaves. It just always seems like they love the dirty water more then the fresh water from inside. I guess dogs will be dogs :)